How to Restore a Gravel Driveway
Gravel driveways are a great way to add country character to any home. While they are relatively simple to install, though, heavy storms and other natural events could leave you with potholes, depletion, erosion, and more.
Consider the following three tips to achieve the perfect landscape and get your gravel driveway looking good as new.
Smooth Out the Driveway
The first step in repairing your gravel driveway will be making sure that the surface has been made completely smooth. This can be accomplished by using a land plane or box blade (with scarifiers) as these implements break up the surface to a universal depth. If you need to repair a pothole in your driveway, grind the surface down to the bottom of the hole, being sure to avoid digging into the foundation. If the material being churned up is the size of your fist, you’ve likely dug too deep.
Rework the Surface
After the driveway has been made smooth, the next step is determining what size gravel you want to apply. For surfaces that are soft and muddy on occasion, use 1½-2½” crushed gravel as it will ensure the bottom layer drains and stabilizes the entire surface. You can also lay down ¾-inch minus gravel, which includes powder-like pieces, on top of this 1½-2½” layer to provide extra stability and firmness on the surface.
Even Out the New Surface
Once your newly repaired surface is in place, it is time to fine-tune it. A rear blade is the ideal piece of equipment for this final step since it essentially floats over the ground when it is attached to a tractor, leaving behind a solid and firm surface.
For more information regarding John Deere residential equipment, contact your local John Deere dealer.
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