A New Way of Looking At Used
Every PowerGard Comphrensive Certified Tractor, Combine, or Sprayer has been field tested, inspected and certified on over 170 points for tractors and 200 points on combines and self-propelled sprayers. Top to bottom front to back, everything from engine performance to wiper blades is put to the test and thoroughly examined by a John Deere technician.
Which Machines Qualify?
- 4WD, 8R, 8RT, and 7R Tractors
- S-Series Combines
- Self-Propelled Sprayers
- Windrowers
- Passed full John Deere Certified Pre-Owned Inspection
- Passed total fluid scan analysis
- Service completed by a John Deere Technician with Genuine John Deere parts

PowerGard Certified Comprehensive inspection performed by a John Deere technician